About me

Welcome to the blog guys!

My name is Emily and I am the Michigan-based blogger behind Lively Em. I'm a 23 year old new into the adult world just trying to figure my ish out.

I just graduated college in December of 2017 so I am pretty new to the adult life. I needed this outlet as a creative way to express myself apart from my 9-5 job. I plan to use this blog as a way to express my outfits, life, and travel. 

The name Lively Em came from my sorority sister, Gabi. I technically created this blog name back when I was a sophomore in college and it's stuck ever since. We came to the word Lively from Blake Lively's last name hahah. Although we copped her last name the word Lively is how I would explain many aspects of my life. I try to have fun and live life to the fullest everyday. I'm glad I stuck with this name for my brand because it will grow with me as I get older and have more life experiences. 

Thanks for reading guys! I hope you stick around.
