Hi friends!!!

Although it's already the 9th of the month, I'm finally taking the time to write out my 2019 goals. These are a mix of personal, blog, and work related goals but I hope to maybe give you some inspiration if you're still trying to narrow down your goals as well!

1. Take skincare more seriously.

Before this year I wasn't using any skincare at all. I would wash my face with soap and that's about it. I really plan on investing in my skincare and using products that will fade my acne scars and give me some glowwww. I already started using some products so I'll keep y'all updated on how it works for me.

2. Post on Instagram everyday.

I feel like I already post on insta a lot but it's my goal for this year to consistently post everyday and learn what time works best for my content to be seen.

3. Post 3 blog posts a week.

I plan on doing a MWF schedule and I'm determined to stick to it and create more content!

4. Stop binge eating at night.

I could eat the healthiest dinner but once it hits like 9:00 pm I become starving and only want unhealthy food. I'm gonna make it a goal to only snack on healthy food and not so much wine and popcorn every night.

5.  Find passion at work

Whether this be at the job I'm currently at or a new job, I just want to be passionate and enjoy what I am doing for most of my week lol

6. Be a better listener.

I sometimes can be pretty self-absorbed so I'm making it a goal to listen better and be more understanding.

7. Save more money.

This one is reallly hard for me because I love to shop so much. I really don't need new clothes every week so I'm really going to focus more on saving.

8. Stop comparing myself to others.

I think every girl has this problem but it is super hard sometimes. Comparison really is the thief of joy so I'm making it a priority to just do my own thanggg.

These are my goals as of right now for 2019! Thanks for reading guys :)

Comment your 2019 goals down below!
